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Business Activity Statement

  • Minimise Your Tax Liability
  • Expert Tax Agents
  • Avoid BAS late Payment Penalty

Lodge Your BAS With Confidence By Choosing A Trusted Tax Agent.

Late-Lodgement And Non-Lodgement ATO Penalties

Penalties for not complying with Business Activity Statement (BAS) obligations can be severe. The Australian Taxation Office (ATO) imposes a range of penalties for failing to lodge BAS on time or not making the correct payments. These penalties are designed to encourage businesses to comply with their tax obligations.

One of the penalties that can be imposed is the Failure to Lodge (FTL) penalty. This penalty is calculated based on the number of days that the BAS is overdue. The penalty amount increases the longer the BAS remains outstanding. The current penalty rate is $222 for each 28-day period or part thereof that the BAS remains outstanding, up to a maximum of $1,110.


Late Lodgment

$210 for each period of 28 days or part thereof that the statement remains outstanding, up to a maximum of $1,050.



Failure to pay on time

Penalty can be up to 20% of the unpaid tax amount for failure to pay on time.



General interest charge (GIC)

Daily interest accrues on unpaid taxes, including penalties and interest charges. The rate is updated quarterly and is generally higher than standard interest rates.



Administrative Penalties

The penalty can range from $250 to $4,500, depending on the entity type and the seriousness of the failure.


How to Avoid ATO Penalties

Avoiding unnecessary fines and unexpected bills from the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) is crucial for business owners. Late lodgement or non-lodgement of tax returns and Business Activity Statements (BAS) can lead to penalties that are completely preventable. Many clients who manage their own tax affairs, including BAS, have faced mounting fines due to these issues.

At TMS Financials, we understand the challenges and risks involved. That’s why we are here to provide you with a comprehensive understanding of the penalties associated with late or non-lodgement, empowering you to take control and eliminate the risk of fines in the future.


Stay Organized

Establish a systematic approach to record-keeping and document management. Keep track of your financial transactions, invoices, and relevant records in an organized manner, ensuring you have all the necessary information readily available when it’s time to lodge your BAS.



Set Reminders and Deadlines

Create calendar reminders or use digital tools to set alerts for BAS lodgement due dates. Stay proactive and ensure you have ample time to gather the required information, complete the necessary calculations, and submit your BAS before the deadline.



Engage a Tax Agent

Consider partnering with a tax agent, such as TMS Financials, who specializes in BAS lodgement. They can provide expert guidance, manage deadlines on your behalf, and ensure accurate and timely lodgement while keeping you compliant with ATO requirements.



Plan Ahead and Seek Assistance

Anticipate potential challenges and seek assistance in advance. If you foresee any issues or complexities with your BAS, such as reconciling complex transactions or understanding specific tax requirements, consult with a tax professional well in advance of the lodgement due date.


Next Step

If you need further assistance with your BAS obligations, such as lodging your next, or setting up a payment plan, it’s recommended that you schedule a meeting with us. We can provide you with the support and guidance you need to ensure that you meet your BAS obligations on time and avoid any penalties for non-compliance.

Book an Appointment now!

Experience hassle-free Business Activity Statement (BAS) lodgement by securing your appointment today!